Buffy the cupcake slayer

Once upon a  family, the muma so so wanted a dog.

And as if by magic ( well the free ads and a phone call) this beauty of a beast was left in my care.

She was amazing, colouring our lives with her enthusiasm, her love of everything, especially food and mud !

She was constant , loyal, a true fluff bucket .

So when we muddled along on the edge of the woods , she huffed and puffed keeping up with the little ones on all their adventures among the trees.

She was such a part of those tales of giants, witches, dragons and unicorns , that she had to join Ophelia, and be kept alive in the stories ready to give back to my little ones.

So Fushia D arrived in pen and ink ,in paint and felt.

She was and is my first fluff bucket , I miss her always but carry her along and will introduce her to all in  a few more turns of Lady Luna…


Finding Ophelia

Many moons ago when my little ones where little ones .

we muddled along at the edge of the woods.

We would take many, many walks, our old lady of a Labrador always huffing and a puffing alongside us.

The tales I would unravel for them among the trees , of unicorns and giants , dragons and witches.

As the stories stuck to us and the wanderings with my now not so little ones became fewer, I knew I had to keep the stories ready for when they would want them again.

So I found Ophelia, my pens and paint just kept coming back to her, she embodies all of the features and characters of my little ones , she carries the stories of our walks in the woods when we muddled along at the edge of them.

So now the story is written , been hidden for many moons, but with a few more turns of madam luna, it will be ready.

I love finding Ophelia.

She saw sea shells on the sea shore

She saw sea shells on the sea shore.

Ambling along Cobnor Foreshore is a treasure trove of delights.

Boats bobbing around in the natural harbour.

Much more wondrous is the nature reserve, you amble across bridges that let the tide slip in and out of salty march land with its birds, fish and seals.

The path gives way to pebble coast line with the most amazing oak trees that cling to the soil but stretch horizontal dipping some of their roots to the sea when it rises high enough.

Maybe it was the pure blue breeze-less skies, and t shirt temperature so unusual for mid October, that final grasp of summer clinging for one last afternoon before Autumn and the darkening days take hold.

Sitting dazzled by the shimming shore, my eyes ever looking for the magic nature shows me.

Always throwing up an amusing pebble, very seasonal to!

So much more than sea shells did she see on the seashore.

Thrones of Kingley Vale


Wandering among the most ancient yew trees in Europe …

Their majesty and power stuns us into silence.

And of all things unexpected, we came across … a throne – for a king to rest?

A witch to cast a spell?

Or for the faerie folk who linger in this realm?

Ghoulish faces trace our movements …

Strange creatures stretch their limbs …

To be among these ancient trees …

… some of which are more than 2,000 years old. It was a journey worth making.

When is a bird box not a bird box?

On platform 1 ( of 2) of a little rural train station, in the heart of the Sussex Downs …

… a group of local artists set upon a project to revamp its slightly tired appearance. A host of identical bird boxes were attached to the wall – though not to entice the local bird population to nest, but for something altogether unexpected …

I was among those artists, and it allowed me a germ of an idea …

‘Mystery’ – for that was his name – was placed in the box …

… all but hidden with his thoughts …

And as he watched and waited, he pondered the world …

He was hanging there a month before, along with his mysterious companions, he vanished …

Never to be seen again.



Of all the fungi in the woods …

Of all the fungi in the woods, I have this total love affair with mushrooms …

… mushrooms of every shapes and colour – they lend themselves perfectly to the other realms …

And in the woods, as the days draw in, they are everywhere …

I just can’t help myself, on a quiet afternoon I just have to go out and play among the mushrooms in the woods …
































Patience …

Woodland Folk, Jack in the Green

Patience waited …

On the edge of a branch he watched his (the) world forever changing.

Dawn choruses to late night screeches.

Sunshine dappled through leaves to detritus, mulching into the wood’s woven carpet.

He understood the language of the seasons …


His woods.

Time spans beyond human comprehension.

To be of the earth so long.



Yet to be so young.





On the darkest edge of the forest …

… far from the echoes of the children’s laughter, Patience is seldom seen …

… except, perhaps, in your dreams.


Patience is the collector of all that’s lost and forgotten. She spins her magic from the shadows, weaving in the silence, waiting for the dawn and all the day will bring… patiently.

Patience. Her wondrous web, invisible strands, forever darning, patching, mending, breathing life into all that was and almost was… just waiting to be found anew.


Autumn …

Small beginnings

I think maybe the best way to start from  this little seed ….

I, like 90% of the population, have my best ideas when I’m out and about with no pen or paper at hand, and no idea how to use the voice recording app that I should have downloaded onto my phone – the phone that I hardly know how to unlock let alone do anything remotely functional with.

Also, as a dog walker it can be a little hard to get to the phone and not get it covered in slobber, mud and grub!

As summer’s last gasps of soft sun begrudgingly gives way to autumn’s cool and crisper breezes, I get that wonderful change of seasons feeling. A buzz …



The start of Autumn, early September more so than any other, is for me  the new year,  the waving off my littlest to school and  next up back to  university, and all my sweet fledglings  setting flight   on  their latest adventures.  It brings that excitement of new wonders … What will life bring us all, how that we are able to forge our own ways in the world?


Well this is mine, and as Betsie and I start our latest adventures, we would love you all to join us.

It may not be the smoothest of rides (not least because I’m rubbish at techie stuff – I much prefer my practical hands on, physical world stuff. But we must all evolve with the times. And without all the techie stuff I wouldn’t be able to share it with you.

So if you would like to see how our lives  outside the lines pan out, hitch a ride and enjoy the wanderings, the wonder and mumblings of …


Frankie and Betsie

On any one day there is Frankie and Betsie

Life outside the lines …

My name is Frankie. I craft strange and beautiful things from found objects …

Betsie is my three-year-old Jack Russell. We’re inseparable.

Every day is an adventure, always looking for the silver linings, the lost and found things.

Follow our musings and all we stumble upon …