Once upon a family, the muma so so wanted a dog.
And as if by magic ( well the free ads and a phone call) this beauty of a beast was left in my care.
She was amazing, colouring our lives with her enthusiasm, her love of everything, especially food and mud !
She was constant , loyal, a true fluff bucket .
So when we muddled along on the edge of the woods , she huffed and puffed keeping up with the little ones on all their adventures among the trees.
She was such a part of those tales of giants, witches, dragons and unicorns , that she had to join Ophelia, and be kept alive in the stories ready to give back to my little ones.
So Fushia D arrived in pen and ink ,in paint and felt.
She was and is my first fluff bucket , I miss her always but carry her along and will introduce her to all in a few more turns of Lady Luna…