Of all the fungi in the woods …

Of all the fungi in the woods, I have this total love affair with mushrooms …

… mushrooms of every shapes and colour – they lend themselves perfectly to the other realms …

And in the woods, as the days draw in, they are everywhere …

I just can’t help myself, on a quiet afternoon I just have to go out and play among the mushrooms in the woods …
































On the darkest edge of the forest …

… far from the echoes of the children’s laughter, Patience is seldom seen …

… except, perhaps, in your dreams.


Patience is the collector of all that’s lost and forgotten. She spins her magic from the shadows, weaving in the silence, waiting for the dawn and all the day will bring… patiently.

Patience. Her wondrous web, invisible strands, forever darning, patching, mending, breathing life into all that was and almost was… just waiting to be found anew.